Known Stranger- LinkAge

By Tshepo Bareetseng Entertainment, Local, Music, News, Breaking News LinkAge is the name. A passionate 22 year old from Braamfischerville Phase 1 is set to release his Mixtape named ‘Known Stranger’. LinkAge who was formally known as Trigger says he realised in early 2016 that music to him, was no longer a dream, was rather a calling. It’s something he has to do, face it and deal with it. LinkAge is set to release a Ten-track mixtape which he named “Known Stranger”, because people know his music but don’t really know him as an Artist in the Hip-hop industry. “I am a stranger, but I’m known, they know my songs, but they don’t know who I am”, LinkAge added. He says he used to download Free-Type–Beats on the internet to record, hence why he couldn’t release the music on digital platforms, because it was not original, even though he had abilities of manipulating Free-Type-Beats and wrote every lyric on the tracks, ...