Emtee announces 'African Trap Documentary'

By Tshepo Bareetseng
The leader of the new skoolthee South African Trap King, Emtee just said he's shooting a documentary with the African Trap movement. Now, if you ever asked yourself what this "ATM" thing was behind his crew's names it's that: African Trap Music.
There's no guessing what the documentary is about, but it should look at the lives of himself, Saudi, Sjava, Ruff, Krazie, Ranks and G. The biggest part of this up coming documentary is people seeing how these super stars create their sound, from the studio sessions, to the writing process and especially that signature production. 
It's always an occasion when artists invite you into their lives. 2017 Is definitely looking good for South African Music Industry.

Ridin round de city, downtown to b exact. shooting documentary stuff with de squad @african_trap convoying 6 whips deep. Pull up!


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