Why The Soil’s Success Hurt Me – Samthing Soweto

Music star Samthing Soweto has revealed why the success of music band The Soil hurt me. The singer back in the day left the group to pursue a solo career. “At first I was really a little ashamed of it (being a member of The Soil) because I was not part of the success when they blew up. I was working with them, crafting this whole sound, before it became mainstream. So to see them doing all these amazing things without me in the middle, it was really depressing and I tried to run away from it,” he told Times Live. Sam has since gone on to achieve mainstream success of his own, topping the charts recently with his single Akanamali. “What’s funny is the sound that we eventually crafted with The Soil was inspired by my time in prison. When I was there, there was a type of singing that they did, which is very acapella type singing. It is very prison-based. I took that and thought how could I make it very palatable. The topics went from prison to love and from bass ...